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INMEBA dedicates since more than 25 years to design and manufacturing of robotic cells, assembly and welding devices, placement of mobile parts devices, gluing of glasses, special checking fixtures, molds, dies and special parts for the main industries of the country and the world.

Thanks to the experience and knowledge achieved through the years, INMEBA has established itself among the top choices in the demanding and competitive automotive, aerospace, railway, mining, nuclear, alimentary and agricultural industry.

INMEBA - Productos - Celdas Robotizadas
Robotic Cells

Development and integration of robotic solutions for the automation of productive process in different industries.

INMEBA - Productos - Dispositivos de Ensamble y Soldadura
Assembly And Welding Devices

Design, manufacturing and installation of devices for holding, welding and assembly of parts.

INMEBA - Productos - Calibres especiales de control
Specials Checking Fixtures

Design and manufacturing of special checking fixtures for all kind of parts and metallic, plastic and compound subassemblies.

INMEBA - Productos - Dispositivos de colocación de partes móviles
Mobile Parts Placement Devices

Design, manufacture and installation of devices for the placement of mobile parts such as: Doors, Hood, Trunk, Hinges, etc. These devices are mainly used in the automotive industry and its derivatives.

INMEBA - Productos - Moldes y Matrices
Molds And Dies

Design, manufacturing and try-on of Moulds and draw, forming and reburied dies.

INMEBA - Productos - Mecanizado Piezas Especiales
Mechanized Special Parts

Machining of special parts of different dimension, high precision and up to 5 working axes.

INMEBA - Productos - Aeropartes
Aeroparts and applications for aeronautic, space and nuclear industry

Mechanization of aeroparts, devices and various applications for aeronautic space and nuclear industry.

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